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Apologies for the lack of activity

Although I've had a week off work over Christmas, there's been very little happening behind the scenes. Unfortunately I've been quite ill and haven't managed to update the site in any way. I've not even managed to update any of the projects, and have fallen somewhat behind schedule.

That said, although I'm still feeling under the weather, I am turning things around. I did a quick bugfix on BUGGER earlier this evening, and should be able to get a few more bugs underway by this time tomorrow. Some bugs have been left open ready for implementation before the next release of their respective projects. Sorry but I just haven't felt up to posting a comment on each one of these.

Some may have noticed that BUGGER has been down for the last few days, this is because my Database Server lost power and in my ill state I failed to notice. All is running properly now however, so it should be the last we see of that for quite some time.

A lot has happened since I last posted, so I'm not going to try and tackle it all. Some will have noticed that TalkTalk have highlighted just what a cock Bono actually is. Whether you agree with filesharing or not, using an argument that equates it with making child porn is just wrong. The man needs a slap just for that, let alone making those comments just after it was announced on the news that the UK Music industry has just had record breaking sales since Christmas. The internet is killing music? Yeah...... Right!

There have sadly been more deaths in Afghan, and quite a few soldiers were away from their families for christmas. Our heartfelt sympathy for all those affected in any way.

There's talk of an Islamic march through Wootton Bassett in protest against the Afghan war, it appears to be much the same group of people who have hurled insults at soldiers returning from theatre. I'm a strong believer in free speech, but as a society we do accept some reasonable restrictions. Despite having the illusion of free speech, there are things that you and I cannot legally say, for fear of breaching rules on inciting racism or similar. What I cannot comprehend is how this march escapes that definition? A peaceful march may not, but based on the vitriol spouted by these guys as the bodies of dead soldiers pass, peaceful the march will not be.
It's a sad fact that many reasonable Muslims will be tarred with the same brush as those who decide to participate in this somewhat distasteful march!

There have of course been many other things in the news, but I won't waste your time by repeating them! The final noteworthy piece of news is the fantastic acheivement by all those sick of Simon Cowells creations. That's right, I'm talking about Rage Against The Machine getting Christmas number 1! It's a fantastic track, and the guys in the band have always come across as genuinely nice, it certainly deserved to beat Simon Cowells latest sheep.

There'll be more updates on the site this week, but the main focus will be on bringing the projects back up to schedule where possible. As ever Bug Reports and Testing are very welcome!

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