Gitlab-Issue-Listing-Script v0.3

Version: 0.3

Project Info

Gitlab Issue Listing Script (GILS) is a php front-end to the Gitlab API. It's intended as a means to work around Gitlabs awful SEO

Much like my original JIRA implementation (JILS) it provides a simple HTML view of information - it's intended as a read-only interface rather than one accepting input.

Release Notes

Version 0.3 fixes a number of bugs as well as implementing some new (and important) views

  • Implement support for Wiki pages (#4)
  • Implement support for images within wiki pages (#20)
  • Implement support for Milestone and Release pages (#11)
  • Implement support for repository snapshot files
  • Bugfix: implement dropping of credentials consistently across API calls (#19 and #15)
  • Bugfix: handle project paths with periods in (#18)
  • Bugfix: implement proper handling of relative issue references (#17)
  • Bugfix: Handle Gitlab's odd approach to permission requirements for sub-resources (#12)


The easiest way, by far, is to use the prebuilt docker image

You can prepare a user and API key within Gitlab as described here


docker run -d --name=GILS -h GILS \
-v $PWD/config.php:/var/www/html/config/config.php -p 80:80 \
--restart=always \