Welcome To BenTasker.co.uk

Welcome to www.BenTasker.co.uk the home of Ben Tasker!

I have a wide variety of interests including writing and photography, my main passion though is computing. Ultimately, I enjoy problem solving, whether through software development or when managing servers. The more complex the problem the happier I am, leading to a real feeling of ambivalence whenever I'm asked to investigate a compromised server - it's terrible news for the customer, but presents me with a new challenge to sink my teeth into.

I've a pretty broad range of skills, all built up through experience, but I decided quite a long time ago not to take my memory for granted. As a result, the predecessor to this site was born, largely as a documentation project, something I continue to add to regularly. If any of that documentation is of use to others, then that's great!

For more information see About Me