********************* Claims Database ********************* TESTING SCHEDULE Document Version 1.0 Tuesday 12 May 2009 *********************************************************** Exit Criteria ------------- Testing will cease once all tests laid out in this document are completed, and all tests with a high importance must PASS Stage 4 Testing --------------- Importance: HIGH 1) Insert a record into the system using no punctuation or special characters. Open CSV in text editor and check results Expected Result - The record should be reflected exactly as entered 2) Insert a record into the system using punctuation, including a Comma. Open CSV in text editor and check results. Expected Result - The record should exist, with the text containing punctuation delimited. Stage 6 Testing ---------------- 1) Query the Database for Test Data inserted in Stage 4, by Primary Key Expected Results - Only one row should be returned 2) Query the Database for a Non existent Primary Key Expected Results - No Data should be returned. No Shell error messages should be displayed. 3) Insert Numerous records with same Week Ending Date, Query Database for that Weekending Date Expected Result - Only records with that Weekending Date should be returned 4) Insert Numerous Records with blank values in the Date Claim paid field. Run Outstanding Claims Query Expected Results - Only 'Outstanding'' Records should be returned. Stage 8 Testing ---------------- 1) Attempt to insert a Record, avoid use of Commas in notes Expected Results - Record should be inserted with no errors 2) Attempt to insert a Record using a comma in the notes Expected Results - Record should be inserted with no errors 3) Attempt to insert a record, and attach a related document Expected Results - Record should be inserted with no errors, Document should be filed in Document Folder Stage 10 Testing ---------------- 1) Attempt to insert a Record, avoid use of Commas in notes Expected Results - Record should be inserted with no errors 2) Attempt to insert a Record using a comma in the notes Expected Results - Record should be inserted with no errors 3) Attempt to insert a record, and attach a related document Expected Results - Record should be inserted with no errors, Document should be filed in Document Folder Stage 13 Testing ---------------- 1) Query the Database for Test Data inserted in Stage 4, by Primary Key Expected Results - Only one row should be returned 2) Query the Database for a Non existent Primary Key Expected Results - No Data should be returned. No Shell error messages should be displayed. 3) Insert Numerous records with same Week Ending Date, Query Database for that Weekending Date Expected Result - Only records with that Weekending Date should be returned 4) Insert Numerous Records with blank values in the Date Claim paid field. Run Outstanding Claims Query Expected Results - Only 'Outstanding'' Records should be returned. Stage 16 Testing ---------------- Re-Run Stage 4 Tests Re-Run Stage 8 Tests Re-Run Stage 10 Tests Stage 17 Testing ---------------- 1) Attempt to create a custom query, looking for all claim amounts beginning with a £ Sign. Expected Result - Only records with £'s at the beginning of the claim amount should be returned. 2) Attempt to create a custom query to return any fields with ZULU as their value Expected Result - No Data should be returned Stage 19 Testing ---------------- 1) Attempt to create a custom query, looking for all claim amounts beginning with a £ Sign. Expected Result - Only records with £'s at the beginning of the claim amount should be returned. 2) Attempt to create a custom query to return any fields with ZULU as their value Expected Result - No Data should be returned Stage 21 Testing ---------------- 1) Attempt to create a custom query, looking for all claim amounts beginning with a £ Sign. Expected Result - Only records with £'s at the beginning of the claim amount should be returned. 2) Attempt to create a custom query to return any fields with ZULU as their value Expected Result - No Data should be returned Stage 25 Testing ---------------- 1) Run a backup, verify the contents using MD5SUM Expected Result - MD5SUM should match between backup and Original 2) Insert a new record, then Try to restore Data from the backup Expected Result - Contents of Original should be overridden Stage 27 Testing ---------------- 1) Run a backup, verify the contents using MD5SUM Expected Result - MD5SUM should match between backup and Original 2) Insert a new record, then Try to restore Data from the backup Expected Result - Contents of Original should be overridden Stage 28 Testing ---------------- 1) Create and run a report to display all Outstanding Entries Expected Result - Report should generate as expected, with only outstanding entries listed 2) Create and run a Report based on the Table, Expected Results - All Data stored in the Table should be displayed Stage 32 Testing ---------------- 1) Attempt to log in with valid credentials Expected Results - Login Successful 2) Attempt to log in with invalid credentials Expected Results - Access Denied Stage 35 Testing ---------------- 1) Delete the first record in the table Expected Results - Only that record should be deleted 2) Create a deletion query, and delete all records matching a specified Weekending Date Expected Results - All matching results should be removed from the Table Stage 37 Testing - Integration and Regressive Testing ------------------------------------------------------ Repeat all Tests Stage 38 Testing - Full System Testing --------------------------------------- Blackbox testing *********************************************************** DOCUMENT END ***********************************************************