BUGGER V0.1 ------------ BUGGER is released under the GNU GPL. See http://benscomputer.no-ip.org/LICENSE for details and a copy of the license. BUGGER is a project management system written in BASH. It stores its data in a Claims_DB database stored on an external server (i.e. it relies on Claims_DB and Claims_DB_listner). It is possible to run the Database on the local server, although it will require you to run a Webserver (needed for BUGGER anyway!). Simply install Claims_DB and Claims_DB_listener and set the DATABASE_SERVER variable to Issues ------- This is a very early release of BUGGER. Everything works on my system, but I have not yet adjusted it to allow for additional portability. A lot of the code is currently specific to my system, so you will need to get down and dirty with some of the code. Eventually there will be a central configuration file where you can set everything. At the moment each script is configured independantly. The system currently relies on security through obscurity, I have not yet got as far as setting up an authentication protocol, so anyone who knows the correct Request URI is able to maintain bugs. This will of course change in a later release!!!! Eventually a setup script will be provided to make installing an easier task. Installing ----------- You will need Claims_DB installed (and Claims_DB_listener) whether it be on the local server or a remote server. You will need to create a Database called Bugs. Underneath this create the following Tables Bugs.csv Changelog.csv Comments.csv Projects.csv Testing.csv Users.csv Create a title row in each table; Bugs.csv "Project","Bug Ref","Date Logged","Email","Username","Brief Description","Resolved?","Developer Notes","Developer" Changelog.csv "Project ID","Entry ID","Date","Changes","User", Comments.csv "Bug Ref","Comment Ref","Comment","Date","Name","Hostname", Projects.csv "Project Ref","Project Name","Start Date","Development Stopped?","Project Description","Maintainer" Testing.csv "Project ID","Test ID","Test Set","Test Number","Test","Expected Result","Actual Result","Verdict", Users.csv "Username","Display Name","Password Hash","E-Mail","Disabled","Password Last Changed", Make sure your title row does not wrap onto a second line. Some of these tables are not actually used yet but they will be in later releases. Make sure that the tables are writeable by the user that Claims_DB will run as (whichever user your httpd daemon runs as) Change to your webservers root folder (i.e. just below htdocs) and extract the tarball tar xvzf BUGGER-0.1.tar.gz This will create a folder called Projects in cgi-bin and a folder called BUGGER in htdocs. Change to the BUGGER directory. Work through each of the scripts and update them to reflect your system. For most of them you should just need to alter the DATABASE_SERVER variable. Change to the cgi-bin/Projects directory and ensure all the scripts are executable by the httpd daemon. Load your webbrowser and access BUGGER by going to the BUGGER Directory on your webserver. It'll get much easier in later releases! Bugs ---- None that I know of so far. Bugs can be logged at http://benscomputer.no-ip.org/BUGGER