BGitHub Feed

GitHub Feed is a simple module designed to call the GitHub API so that you can display the latest commits to a repository on your Joomla! site. During development of the module, the ability to optionally display a list of issues was added, as was the ability to display a (very) basic profile for a single user.

This documentation details how to configure mod_BGitHub_feed


Demo and Purchase

You can view a demo on my demo site and can purchase from my Shop.


Install the module as you would any other Joomla! extension.

Module Configuration

Module configuration parameters are found in the right-hand pane (as with any other module)


Basic Options

Module Mode: Configure the layout in use. Default displays Commits, Issues and User with a basic tabbed interface

Style: Choose from Light, Dark and Chromed. The firsttwo are very simplistic, but provide a good starting point for those wanting to do their own styling.

Repo Owner: The GitHub username of the repositiory, for example if the URL is then the owner is bentasker

Repo: The Repository name, in the above example the name would be PHPCredLocker

Display Gravatar: Display the committing users Gravatar beside commits?

Display Username: Display the commit/issue author's username (links back to their profile)?

# Records: Number of records to display for Commits, Issues and User

Display Powered By: Display the text "Powered by BGitHub Feed" at the bottom of the module?



Branch: Which branch of the repo should commits be retrieved from?



Displayed labels: Comma seperated list of issue labels to filter by. Leave blank to display all

Issue Status: Filter by Issue Status

Sort By: Order issues by - Creation date, date of last update, date of last comment

Sorting Order: Should the issues be sorted ascending or descending?



Date Format: The PHP date format to use when displaying the date the user joined GitHub

List Repos: Display a list of the user's repos (subject to # Records above)?

Repo Filter - Exclude: A comma seperated list of Repository names to exclude from display

Date Format: Date to display Repo update dates in



Module Class suffix - Optional suffix to include on the module class

Div Width - Leave at 0 to disable. Enter a width either as a percentage or in absolute terms (i.e. 50% or 300px)

Date Format - General date formatting, used for issues and commits



Use Cache: Cache responses from the GitHub API (should really be set to Yes unless debugging)

Cache Time: Lifetime of the cache in minutes